We’ve come to an important realization: we’ve apparently been doing it wrong all these years. Our message, we thought, was clear enough to be understood and appreciated by anyone, but in reality, it wasn’t.
If you asked us to describe what we can do for you, we’d give you our whole spiel about how we design the best programs for your needs using the most ideal product solutions in the market. Would that have captured your attention and interest? Likely not. We’ve only taken each other’s time and are back to where we were prior to the conversation.
The problem with that spiel is you’re not able to see why you might need our help with a program. It’s like telling you a dish is delicious without describing it or showing you a picture. You’d have to trust our word that you’d benefit from our help and recommendation. But how do you trust someone you’re talking to for the first time?
This is why we wanted to redefine our message in such a way that it’d only take five minutes or less to open your ears to what we have to bring. All other details come after, once your interest has already been piqued.
We also want to change your idea of what a financial advisor is from the onset. Some people have a not-so-good impression of what we do, thinking our only job is to sell insurance products and the like. While that’s, of course, part of it, that’s not the heart of what we do. Rather, it’s helping you MANAGE RISKS that could possibly prevent you from living the life you desire today and in the future.
What does that mean?
Let’s put it all into perspective, shall we? All of us get up in the morning and clock into work every day to earn our paycheck. That paycheck helps us live day-to-day and secures our future. Life, however, is unpredictable, and there are countless risks that could threaten our ability to work and earn that paycheck. Those are the very risks we’re talking about here. And if you don’t take them into account, you’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position financially.
Don’t get it confused though, we’re not trying to scare you. That’s not our intention. What we want to do is help you realize that there’s always a chance that those “what if” scenarios which sometimes keep you up at night can come true. And if you don’t prepare for them, you could find yourself in some trouble. Remember, even the most wealthy person faces risks. Take the pandemic as an example, a period that didn’t spare anyone from unprecedented changes.
The preparation process involves analyzing those risks: identifying them, measuring them relative to the Philippine market, quantifying them, prioritizing them and calculating your benefits versus your probable liabilities. Because once you have these pieces of information, you have an idea how to cover whatever gaps there are in your finances. And only then can we research and design solutions for you.
A risk assessment can be quite an involved process. For this reason, we’re embracing the future and looking to technology for some help. We’re employing the use of a special software that was developed to serve this very purpose in an organized and step-by-step manner.
Even though you think you can do a risk assessment yourself, the best way to ensure you cover all bases is to seek professional help. This is where our years of expertise and experiences come in. We’ll guide you through the whole process through multiple comprehensive consultations, where we find what works best for you. Our promise is we won’t rest until we can satisfy your needs to reach your financial goals.
linkiNG you to opportunities,
- Can You Afford To Pay Your Employees When They Retire?
- Defining Bridges-PH’s Customer Experience: Trust and Confidence
- Life Insurance Comparison: Weighing The Pros and Cons of Each Type of Plan – Part 1
- Health Insurance Options: Finding The Perfect Plan For Your Needs – Part 1
- Growing Together: Monetary Incentives To Engage Your Team
- Staying Ahead of Life and Death Stakes During the Pandemic – Part 1
- Life Insurance: Preparing for the Inevitable
- How You Can Secure Your Family’s Future From Life’s Uncertainties