Jumbo Cases


When I was just starting in this business in 2008, I have been constantly hammered with the mindset of concentrating on BIG PROSPECTS so I can close JUMBO CASES. The reasoning behind this is that with the same amount of work that I would put in any case size, better to maximize it with those who can give me huge commissions. I soon realized that the probability for a rookie to meet and win the trust of BIG PROSPECTS is slim to nothing. Giving up could have been my best way out.


I continued with prospecting and presenting and closing with people from all walks of life. My agenda at that time, and still holds true till today, is to talk to people who are willing to listen.


In the next couple of years, I have witnessed my business grow based on referrals. And in most cases, these referrals were volunteered by my clients. My personal view, my business is built on respect, sincerity and after-sales service. Client satisfaction is guaranteed to follow with trust and loyalty.



linkiNG you to opportunities,