It was an honor to join the other men and women of the Million Dollar Round Table in Albany, New York for the 2015 Fall Phonathon. Despite the physical distance and the diversity in culture, the MDRT Foundation opened its arms and welcomed an Asian, a first-of-its-kind experience for me as well as for the Foundation.
Many from back home have wondered why I did this, traveled thousands of miles to volunteer for a cause that many Americans are already advocates of.
In 2013, Typhoon Haiyan left the Philippines with so much devastation. Lives lost, properties destroyed, families separated, businesses ruined. Most parts of the country were in chaos. A group of men and women from halfway across the world decided they wanted to help. The Board of Trustees of the Million Dollar Round Table Foundation provided a grant funding totaling to USD 60,000 to local charities and organizations who are helping Filipinos rebuild their homes and lives.
My thoughts while all of these were going on; if my USD 200 annual donation to the MDRT Foundation can bring in so much love and concern for the Filipino people, then my involvement in the Foundation can provide an even stronger bridge to a growing relationship.
Summer of the same year, before I flew to New Orleans for the 2015 Annual Meeting, I moved my family to a new home. One major issue in downsizing is that you realize the amount of "junk" you have accumulated over the years and cannot bring with you to a smaller house. So the kids and I decided to do weekend garage sales. It was just for fun and to dispose of personal items. The first weekend we sold Php 11,500 worth and the second weekend, Php 11,000. The income from the first weekend we decided to split in four and invest in the kids' mutual fund accounts while the second weekend's we spent it on the family. It was unanimous that the next Php 11,000 we earn will be given to charity. I got my very first donation for my very first Fall Phonathon and big part of it didn't even come from an MDRT member. We can always find different ways of paying it forward. This was my family's way of giving back to the industry and the community.
The role I played in bridging the generosity of the MDRT Foundation to my fellow Filipinos is very small but I understand the significance. Since then I have decided to continue to be a bridge for their kindness to reach my people through the *Worldwide Grant Program. To date, the Filipino people have been beneficiaries of over USD 90,000.
Thank you MDRT Foundation for being an instrument so that others who are less fortunate can live better lives.
*http://www.mdrtfoundation.org/grants/ (exclusive to MDRT Members)
MDRT Foundation's Facebook Post
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