Bridges-PH is distinguished from the ordinary financial advisor with years of experience in the field, credentials from recognized financial organizations and a fully staffed physical office. Our expertise is in assisting our clients by assessing their situation and providing appropriate solutions. It is our intention to have a better understanding of what you are in the market for so we can make the proper recommendation.
Human Resources
Employees quitting? Having a revolving door of talent is never a good sign. While you cannot stop them from leaving your company, you can at least get them to think twice and hopefully reconsider their decision.
There are a lot of reasons why employees might leave, but the most common reason is that they know they can do better elsewhere. Considering how cutthroat the talent market is, do you really want employees who you’ve already invested in taking their skills to your competition? Surely, not.
Looking for affordable benefits programs? When you’re operating on a tight budget, it’s often difficult to find programs that you think might engage your employees.
At the same time, however, price doesn’t always equate to quality. You could be spending boatloads of your company’s money on a program that your employees barely use or appreciate. Now, what good is that?
Business Owner
Between the cost of hiring and training replacements and the impression it might leave on your workforce, losing valued employees is never easy. What’s worse is you can’t immediately trust new hires. They may be skilled and capable, sure, but you don’t develop trust overnight. That’s gained over time as you work together.
And as a business owner, you want to be able to go back home and relax after a tiring day of work. Can you do that if you don’t trust the people working for you? As such, it’s essential that you’re making your employees feel like their work is worth their while.
Our BUSINESS PLANNING SERVICE touches on a variety of areas.
Employee Benefit Program
• HMO and Healthcare Plans for
Corporate and Non-corporate Groups
• Group Life Insurance
• Loyalty Reward System
• Key Employee Benefit
Retirement Savings Program
• BIR Registerted Retirement Plan
• Corporate Retirement Savings Plan
• Deferred Compensation Plan
• Provident Fund Savings Scheme
Financial Literacy Program
• Introduction to Responsible Financial
Management Sessions
• Personal Wealth Management Sessions
Business Growth and Expansion
• Mortgage Redemption Insurance
• Key Employee Insurance
• Split Peso Arrangement
• Selective Compensation Plan
Business Continuity
• Total Estate Coordination