I will be celebrating my 9th year in the business towards the last quarter of this year. I have attended numerous company events and my children have accompanied me in some of them. In the recent years, it has been a reoccurring question from colleagues in the company and friends from the head office if any of my heirs will inherit the family business that I have painstakingly put up and maintained, especially since I already have 2 young adults in college and 2 adolescents in high school.
10 years of raising them on my own have taught me more about responsible parenting than my first 11 years as a parent. Somewhere along the way, I realized that the best gift I can leave with them is the freedom to responsibly decide for themselves and the confidence to stand firm on what they believe in.
At this stage in their very young lives, I would prefer that they go out into the world and find their own identity. If any one of them would decide to come back to the nest and learn the family business, that would be double the blessing.
The key components of my business are my clients and my staff. It is essential that my successor, whether it be my children or not, is one with me in ensuring that they will be well taken care of.
linkiNG you to opportunities,