“Change is inevitable-except from a vending machine” once candidly quipped by Robert C. Gallagher, a businessman and former director of the Packers football franchise. This line is humorous but states a fact that is true to everyone; the unavoidable evolution of one’s life. And no one is exempted from this.
One of our office policy is to schedule with our clients a review of their financial plan at least once every two years. Some of our clients wondered why we do this despite the fact that at times there is no opportunity to make new business.
The initial stage in a transaction with a client is to get a better understanding of who he is. *An informal interview is conducted in a relaxed setting to encourage information regarding family or business background, short, medium and long-term goals and allowable time frames. From here, personal requirements are suggested. Occasionally, these requirements might not be exactly what the client had in mind before he came to see us. A professional solution is then recommended to meet these requirements. To bring this solution from blueprint to implementation, the next step is to act on it. However, it is not always that a client can afford to take immediate action so ample consideration is given to prioritizing. Henceforth, the business relationship takes an expected turn and it becomes personal. And personal means caring enough to go back and asking how things are with the client. This we do in our office because we know that change in one’s life is inevitable. A bachelor client today might be married with a baby on the way in two years time. A small scale businessman might see an opportunity for expansion in the near future. A happily married couple might find one spouse left widowed suddenly. There is no escaping change that is why we embrace it by always being there for our clients.
As a professional financial planner, my role is to assist the people I work with in creating a personalized financial plan. My responsibility is to help them continue to improve on it and stick with the plan.
*All client information is kept highly confidential by my office.
Below is a link to an article that can help readers further explore the initial steps in purchasing a life insurance policy and establish a scheduled enhancement of his financial planning.
The blog was written by Peter Colis released through Life Happens last April 20, 2017.
"3 Questions to Ask When It Comes to Life Insurance"
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